Dewa Dewi Chapel位於Anantara Uluwatu酒店內,設計獨樹一幟,有別於峇里島大部份教堂的三角形外觀,採用了立方體的設計,以玻璃為四壁,結合兩旁結實的木柱,兼具時尚與純樸的氣息。試想像在懸崖上,教堂裡,走過散落着雞蛋花的走廊,迎着夕陽、弦樂和親友的祝福,在這般充滿異國情調的場景裡許下誓言,大概會比你當初所能想像的更刻骨銘心。
婚禮場地 Ceremony Locations
Anantara Dewa Dewi Chapel
婚禮套票包含 Wedding Package Included:
雙人香港/峇里島/香港經濟客位來回機票 Roundtrip HK/Bali economy class air ticket on Cathay Pacific
機場至酒店來回接送 Roundtrip transfer between airport/hotel
新人兩晚住宿(海景套房)2 night accommodation (single room ocean view suite)
一切婚禮統籌, 預訂, 聯絡及接洽 Wedding planning service provided by Sun N Sea
婚禮前會議 Pre-wedding meeting
浪漫證婚儀式 Western Ceremony
婚禮場地租用 Usage of wedding venue for one (1) hour
證婚人 English speaking priest / Celebrant to conduct ceremony
紀念式結婚證書 Commemorative wedding certificate (*could have legal registration with additional charge)
新人浪漫午餐套餐及晚餐各一次 Special lunch and dinner for the couple (once for each)
60分鐘SPA一次 60 minutes SPA
房間内蜜月蛋糕及泡沫酒一瓶 Honeymoon cake and sparkling wine in room
婚禮場地佈置 (連50位賓客坐位安排)Floral decorations for max 50 guests
花球及襟花 (鮮花) Fresh floral bouquet for bride and corsage for groom
戒枕、歡迎牌、花瓣雨祝福、來賓入場冰開水 Ring pillow, Welcome board, petals strewing, chilled water for guest at entrance
基本音響 Basic audio equipment
婚禮祝酒儀式 禮成飲料 (20人) drink for toasting (20 persons)
新人教堂-酒店來回接送 Roundtrip transfer for couple (Hotel to Chapel)
新娘化妝及髮型 Bridal Make up & Hair Do
婚禮專業攝影3-4小時 (最少250張原檔照片DVD紀錄) Professional Photographer 3-4 hours
婚禮當日四小時中文協助人員 On Site Wedding Coordinator (Madarin speaking) (4 hours)
已包含政府及酒店稅項21% Inclusive of 21% Government Tax & Venue Service Fee
※We would love to hear your preferences and allow us to craft a unique wedding experience for you and your guests to mark your celebration. Personalized wedding is available upon request.