Barbara & William
結婚地點:北海就水之教堂 Thank you very much Sun N Sea Weddings, Wing!!! 多謝你們全面的安排, 使我們有一個難忘獨特的婚禮旅程, 我很喜歡你們安排的酒店, 房間, 全部幫忙- 細心全能的顧問翻譯, 專業出名的攝影師, 很好的化妝師, 牧師, 全部都很喜歡, 收到你們給我們的相片, 感到無限欣喜! 真心多謝Rachel專業細心幫忙, 今次北海道婚禮很完美, 她不只工作專業, 設計的禮服也很獨特, 穿上晚禮服像仙女般, 婚紗也很清雅高貴非常配合日本教堂, 男禮更加好配合得天衣無縫, 真係很好很好, 多謝你Rachel Gown: Bliss Bride Couture Photo by The Chapel at the Waters, Ichike Yoshiaki #TomamuTowerJapan #18Oct2016 |
Phoebe Lee
Dear wing, I would like to say thank you for your service, I had been return from Fusion Nha Trang, and all your arrangement are so smooth and make my stay enjoyable and memorable. This is important for smooth trip, and thanks as you make it with us. I hope will have a chance deal with you again in nearer future. Thanks wing for your efforts!!! Warmest regards, Phoebe Lee |
Frog & Ravel
結婚地點:Conrad Bali - Infinity Chapel 在婚禮半年前開始籌備我們的海外婚禮,選定在峇里Conrad Infinity Chapel舉行,由於我們住在澳門的關係,只能靠電話與婚禮公司聯絡。從網上找到兩間公司,覺得Sun N Sea的職員回覆很快,職員講解婚禮內容亦很清楚,很快我們便決定幫襯。 感謝Wing Wong一路以來不厭其煩耐心解答我們的問題,籌備婚禮真係有好多瑣碎事情要處理,特別是要處理親友的機票及住宿問題,她實在幫我們解決了許多煩惱。除此之外,在旅程期間Wing一直在Wechat跟我們保持聯繫,應付我們的突發要求,令我們感覺放心。婚禮過程很順利,酒店的職員都很細心,跟得好足。晚宴場地我們去了Sun N Sea介紹的沙灘會所,在Seminyak區,那裡環境好靚,氣氛好好,食物味道亦不錯,親戚朋友都讚。攝影團隊很專業,相片很漂亮,我們都很喜歡,整體來說十分滿意,多謝Sun N Sea令我們有一個難忘的婚禮回憶。 |
Mic & Fung
結婚地點:清邁泰式婚禮(可合法) Dear Wing, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival. Thanks so much for your help to organize our Thai Buddist Legal Wedding in Chiang Mai, everything is smooth, the dedicated wedding coordinator is very helpful and professional. We can get the photos & wedding certificate before we left, very efficient! Mic |
Katherine & On
【越南小巴黎】婚紗攝影之旅 (HK crew) 非常感謝我們今次婚紗攝影的CONSULTANT阿WING。從開始選攝影的主題(我們選擇了影古建築)、攝影地點、攝影師風格以至攝影後在當地遊覽的景點,阿WING提供的意見都非常專業,亦很細心對待客人。 今次是我們第一次去越南。越南和東南亞其他地方例如泰國、馬來西亞一樣都是比較熱。越南曾是法國殖民地,所以胡志明市又稱越南小巴黎。市內有很多典雅的歐陸式古建築,很適合婚紗攝影。攝影景點很集中,景點間大多相距幾百米,攝影當天不用舟車勞頓,非常方便。 婚紗攝影當天的過程非常順利,全賴攝影師 IVAN 和化妝師 JACKY 專業和用心的服務。 這次旅程,除了婚紗攝影,我們也在當地遊覽了兩天。我們覺得越南胡志明市無論在市容、衛生及治安方面都比旅程前的想像好很多。飲食方面,越南食物很適合港人胃口,而且美味又便宜。另外,當地人(例如酒店,便利店,甚至大排檔的服務員)對旅客非常有禮、友善。 總括來說,我們認為越南胡志明市是婚紗攝影的好地方。這旅程是我們美好的回憶。再次多謝你們的推介! |
Sindy Fong
蜜月地點:Dusit Thani Maldives 呢個蜜月旅行我地定得好急,好在朋友介紹咗 Wing Wong (sun n sea holiday) 比我,好細心咁解釋比我地聽邊好多酒店的優缺點,最後重幫忙搶咗呢間咁好既酒店最後一間房,真係好多謝佢。成個旅程都好開心,酒店好貼心,一切都好好,管家係機場已經接我地,一路帶我地去唔洗煩。喺等候内陸機個launch竟然有mini buffet任飲,覺得驚喜。係內陸機果轉flight time 2分鐘前都未有人叫我地,香港人比較心急,衝咗落去。内陸機&船都好快、d人感覺都好安全,只係10分鐘船程都著晒救生衣。內陸機10分鐘再坐船10分鐘終於到達酒店了,都已經當地成12點幾啦,好在無簡再遠D既酒店咋。Welcome drink好好飲,管家好細仔介紹阿屋同酒店設備,間房好舒適,朝早對住個海同網上張想一樣,無走樣。仲有單車同傘,好好。早餐真係超多選擇,好好食,遇到嘅服務人員都好友善。阿Wing介紹嘅泰國餐廳Benjarong d野真係好好食,酒店仲送左個Honeymoon Dinner俾我地。好多謝Wing Wong果時咁有耐心為我地解釋及推介呢間,內陸機機程較短,夜機嚟真係舒服d。睇相吧~ |
Vivian and Kenny
蜜月及婚紗攝影地點:Kata Rocks, Phuket 首先多謝Sun N Sea Holidays幫忙,幫我找到這麼好的一間resort拍攝婚紗相!Kata Rocks真系超正!Experience guy幫我打開房門,我入到去就“哇”了出來!Sky Villa 起居室超大,音響效果超正,立體環繞音,歎jazz極有情調!因為開業只有3個月,非常新淨。我們主要拍攝了室外的泳池景和度假村的小路。兩者風格截然不同。泳池是走浪漫復古風格,小路穿的是中山裝配旗袍。落日時分回到房內泳池,換上泳池拍攝落日剪影!這間resort每間房都面海,都可以欣賞到好靚的日落!再次感謝Sun N Sea的安排,除了有美景做配襯拍攝,我們還享受了一次很浪漫難忘的蜜月…… |
Anna & Eric
結婚地點:Dana Villas, Santorini Hi Wing, thank you very much for your kind arrangement. We have extremely good weather and wonderful day!!! So blessed! Amie kept on saying we are the lucky ones and time is totally enough to have pictures for all dresses. We did have a good time at Greece. Thanks your help at all, especially your blessing to our weather! ^^ |
Cindy & Jerry
結婚地點:Dana Villas, Santorini 我地返咗嚟喇,多謝Sun N Sea Weddings幫我哋搞依個希臘婚禮,當地職員好細心,行程安排好好,食物都好好味,最正嘅係我地被free upgrade去Honeymoon Villa!!!係Dana Villa最新嘅蜜月套房,室內及室外都有個暖水泳池,勁靚呀!除左我同太太之外,兩老都好滿意。我哋由Naxos去Mykonos果班船因為太大風所以取消咗,好彩聯絡到Sun N Sea嘅職員幫我哋跟進及支援,行程只係影響到少少。 P.S.遇著阿Wing咁啱果幾日喺希臘幫手,我哋真幸運,多謝你 Jerry 31 Oct 2014 |
結婚地點:輕井澤 石之教堂 Hi May, We are back from Japan. Want to drop you a note that the hotel is fabulous. It's quiet, peaceful, located in the woods and hotspring area, the hotel service are very attentive. I'm sure if there's a wedding, it would have been wonderful. Though we didn't get married there, thanks for arranging the trip. Thanks for your help too. You have been very helpful. (maybe you can forward this to your boss. :P) Clement |
Vivian & Misaki
結婚地點:Anantara Hua Hin Resort and Spa 我和男友常常要飛往異地工作,十分忙碌,所以沒有時間籌備婚禮。多謝Sun N Sea Weddings,他們由訂機票、安排酒店、當地交通及整個婚禮的過程都貼心幫忙,我們才有一個完美的婚禮。我們的親戚分別由香港、日本及加拿大飛過來,要一次過安排交通及住宿實在不容易,Sun N Sea的職員幫我們做Research,按我們的Budget,介紹了另一間比較經濟的住宿給我們的朋友住,省下不少開支。另外我們還拜託Sun N Sea幫手安排導遊及設計華欣的行程,Book了5天大巴服務,佢地真係會聆聽我地需要然後幫我地度身設計適合我們的行程。還要多謝Wing婚禮當日親身飛過來幫我們打點,酒店的職員都好好,但是始終文化差異,多一個人幫忙溝通流程安排順暢好多。 |
Cherry & Kwong
結婚及婚紗攝影地點:Jumeirah Vittaveli Message from Cherry & Kwong: 我們剛剛在馬爾代夫舉行婚禮及影Pre-Weddings,真是超級幸運! 前幾日馬爾代夫天氣極惡劣,差到連快艇都要停止運作,令到旅客滯留馬里暫時去唔到Resort。但雨過天晴,我們到達時那片天空美得很,Sunny & Beautiful Sky~~ 在Jumeirah Vittaveli一連兩天,Pre-Wedding + Wedding,渡過了許多快樂時光!(。✿‿✿。) 攝影師和化妝師都非常專業,謝謝SUN N SEA的安排,這個旅程十分滿意♥ This trip is so nice! Thanks Ivan and Sandy and Wing's arrangement!!! Message from Ivan Wong Photography: This trip is short but probably the funnest, we are really feel like in vacation....hahaha! |
Debbie & Kenny
結婚地點:New Zealand Legal Wedding Registration Message from Debbie: Thanks!!! You and David are really helpful!! Thx so much 記得首次收到易小姐的電話是7月30日的晚上,差不多放工的時間。她問我們有沒有辦理新西蘭的婚禮。「請問您們想幾時出發呢?」「我們想8月3號」「咁急???@@」曾嘗試過幫客人辦理三星期後出發的婚禮,但幾天後出發的,倒是第一次。她們本來訂了機票去澳洲悉尼,8月3日出發,13日回港。因為他們見澳洲去新西蘭很近,所以想打聽下能不能夠幫他們辦當地的合法婚禮註冊。他們的心願是在當地舉行一個簡單的證婚儀式。新西蘭婚禮我們是有的,但是我們只是剛起步階段,還正在收集更詳細的資料。而且合法婚禮更是我們第一次辦,雖然知道手續很簡單,但是始終第一次,不容有失。但為人為到底,我們就盡力而為吧!非常感謝他們對本公司的信任。接著我們就聯絡各方單位,致電長途電話到當地City Hall,確認申請及辦理時間是可行的,透過強大的網絡,於是我們就在極短的時間內幫他們成功辦妥合法婚禮,成了這件美事。他們非常友善,好Sweet呢! 兩個人相愛,即使簡簡單單的證婚儀式也很浪漫的。祝您們永遠幸福快樂^__^ |
Keving & Rodolfo
Shangri-La's Fijian Resort & Spa Thank you for this most memorable experience! I would like to Thanks Viann and Wing they were well prepared and they answered my queiry and reply to my email in a very professional way, also highly efficient. Everyone felt that you both did a superb job organizing the wedding in such a short notice, (less then 2 weeks) and even getting us good hotel rates and free transfer form hotel to hotel. You have set a new standard for wedding planners. If any of my friends are planning to have an overseas wedding or some A+ hotel your travel agency would be my first and only choice. |
Candy & Sum
結婚地點:Shangri-La's Fijian Resort & Spa Bula~Viann! Fiji time 比較慢 :P 一行十人的Trip真是不容易安排, 多謝你在幾個月裡不厭其煩地回覆我們很多的email 和msg, 全賴你細心的跟進和安排, 我們才能順利地完成, 並且擁有這麼圓滿和難忘的婚禮。We're really appreciated for your help, thanks a lot! 最後, Shangri-La's 真是一間很值得再次入住的酒店, 有機會再去fiji一定會選它, 員工超nice 和熱情, 而且酒店擁有的沙灘&景色都好靚, 不用出海已經可以在沙灘邊找到活的珊瑚, 海星....大家簡直好像參加了生態之旅~當然還有fiji 的星空, 真是一見難忘.....大家初次見到都好興奮 ^^~ Candy & Sum |
Ada & Johnny
結婚地點:Shangri-La Rasa Ria Resort, Kota Kinabalu Dear Wing, Sorry to reply late. Here is my Comment "Best service I've ever experienced! 感謝Wing的細心與耐性,由籌備、準備驚喜、行程安排都與我有良好的溝通;任何要求,都盡力幫助;即使連旅程當中及之後,都幫了我們很多。除此之外,貴公司所選的沙巴結婚酒店及其婚禮場所皆令我們喜出望外。還深深記得在那美麗夕陽下,我們所留下的倩影。最後,一定要加錢吃那燭光晚餐,真是浪漫及物超所值。感謝您們!" 祝您工作愉快,幸福快樂! Ada & Johnny |
Toki Ko
蜜月地點:Constance Moofushi Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing this letter to show my appreciation on the excellent performance one of your staff Ms Wing Wong who is delivery assistant of your company. My booking reference was PG5MJ8 and finished my trip to Maldives on 5Mar 2012. After my trip I absolutely felt that all the services were unexpected. She is very helpful, polite, patience and hard working staff. Before my trip I was always asked her so many questions even she told me before already, she was very patience to explain for me again and again. Even she was sick and couldn’t go to work, she still answer my called. One more unexpected service that were when we arrived in the Maldives or after my trip back to HK she would gave me a msg and called to see us safely or not. Also thanks for her recommendation of the Moofushi Resort, because that is a really perfect and excellent. I know that all the serivces were from her heart. I never receive such good services provided by travel agent. I must choose your company for my next trip in our future. Wing many thanks and please ensure that the excellent work continues. Add oil ~~~~ ^o^ Sincerely, Toki Ko |
Cecilia & David
結婚地點:Shangri-La's Fijian Resort & Spa Hi Viann, Sorry for late reply -- was a bit busy these days. In general I'm very satisfied with your service. At the beginning we contacted both Sun n Seas and another travel agent. The difference in service was very clear to us, as you reply emails quickly and your wedding tours look impressive. The other agent was slow to respond to emails, and their tours were mostly for holidays, rather than weddings. I'm also grateful that you kept your words about the price of the video shooting / MTV making service, even though your own cost has risen. At Fiji, I was quite surprised to get a phone call from you -- although it is not about something particular urgent, we had the feeling that someone is taking care about our wedding tour. I've been to many parts of the world, including several holiday resorts in China, Europe, north America, and southeast Asia. Fiji is the most beautiful place I've been so far. The scenes are amazing, and the whole environment is so relaxing and romantic. In my opinion, popular destinations for HK people such as Phuket and Taiwan cannot even compare to Fiji. The only place that can somehow match Fiji is Cancun in Mexico. However, Cancun is kind of like a theme park managed by the Americans. Fiji in comparison is more real, and pristine. I live in Singapore and I'm quite proud of the clean air there. But compared to Fiji, even the Singaporean sky is dark and dirty. I think maybe we will return to Fiji again several year later for an anniversary. The Fijian Shangri-la hotel is generally good too. The views are great, but the rooms are rather old (we changed room once due to leaky roof, and the new room had a problem in the shower room). We are most happy with the church -- it's so beautiful, and we felt so good getting married there! Overall, it's an ideal place for a wedding, but maybe not so good for casual holidays. Next time maybe we will try Nukubaki instead ... As a tip to other couples, please take into consideration that December is a rainy season in Fiji -- there is a shower every afternoon. We were lucky that we had our wedding in the church. If we had chosen a beach wedding, we might end up canceling it in the last minute. David 11 Jan, 2012 |
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